Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Five Things...

... I need to do.

1- Make a home inventory. We've had two close calls with wildfires over the past five years. I think it's time to seriously get this done.

2- Knock off some more items on my 101 in 1001. I've completed 39 already in less than a year. Some items in my sights are: #14 get a back massage (March 2), #25 learn to type without looking at my fingers (I'm learning from a computer typing program) and #28 learn to speak Spanish (Okay- I'll never be fluent but I am getting much better and actually know the meanings of over 50 words).

3- Get a full physical exam (my 50th birthday is coming up this year- perfect timing).

4- Finish landscaping the backyard.

5- Make another batch of wine.

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