Minggu, 25 Juli 2010

206- He's Back in Full Voice

This Mockingbird showed up this morning at 5 am and began courting females by singing and singing and singing. At 3 pm he is still going strong. I know why they named a book "To Kill A Mockingbird"...

205- "X" Marks the Spot

Another season of Aztec football. Six home games and we'll be sitting on the 40 yard line.

Jumat, 23 Juli 2010

204- Some Things Don't Change

A display at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library... circa 1980. 30 years later and we fight the same battles with our spendthrift politicians. Heck, some of these power-hungry, fat cats are still hanging around in the District of Columbia- getting elected over and over.

They went to Washington poor, with little money and are now sitting there as rich, fat bureaucrats . Where did all their millions dollar bank accounts come from? I didn't know public service paid so well? Anyone else think term limits might just be a good idea?

Kamis, 22 Juli 2010

Senin, 19 Juli 2010

Our Dog Got Skunked !

(stock photo- we didn't want to take a pic)

We've been de-skunking the dog he tangled with a skunk in the backyard and got sprayed about a half dozen times. P-U, when it's that close it doesn't even smell like the skunk smell it's more like a chemical weapon stench.

Skunk Deodorizer:

1 qt 3% hydrogen peroxide (from drugstore)
1/4 cup baking soda
1 tsp liquid dish soap

Mix all together and scrub your dog. Keep him wet with this concoction for five minutes then spray off with a hose (may cause bleaching of the fur).

The dog was tossing that "polecat" around pretty good and probably would have killed him if we hadn't called him off. As it was he kept running back and trying to get him. Poor dog--- looked liked the proverbial "Whipped Puppy" after getting sprayed and then washed.

201- My Winery (fermenting)

Six gallons of Reisling and five gallons of Niagara Grape are in secondary fermentation.

200- Gone But Not Forgotten

The Old Plowboy's Market.

Bought out by Walmart and vacant for over two years now. This mom and pop corner fruit market was a great place for fruit and veggies. I taught a lesson to my daughter here on a Saturday afternoon. We found a wad of cash (maybe $150) on the floor of the store and turned it in to the cashier. I've always hoped (and wanted to believe, at least) that the money got back to the person who lost it.

I guess they've wanted to turn this little plot of land into a gas station but somehow ran into zoning problems or something.

Jumat, 16 Juli 2010

197- Life at 7:00 am

Friday morning 7 am. Usually this street is teeming with single person cars heading off to work. I guess I'm up a little too early to see them. It's a sunny and warm 80 degrees already... with the thermometer heading north to triple digits again by the afternoon. So much for that cool weather of last week. We had a small thunderstorm and light rain in the late afternoon that rolled in from the Southeast (Gulf of Mexico via Arizona). All of this humidity reminds me of the Midwest.

Yes- we kicked on the A/C this morning and will keep it running ($$$$) through the hundred degree weekend.

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

188- July Rain ?

Weird weather out here. Early July, temperatures in the high 60s and low 70s for the past two weeks ... and rain for the last two mornings. Global warming??? Ha ! What's that all about?

187- Blooms in the Open Field