The corrupt Illinois Governor that is on trial right now for trying to sell President Obama's Senate seat to the highest bidder. The rumor is that the jury is deadlocked. Blago in his own words is soliciting bribes or the political appointment and somehow the jury is deadlocked? WTF?
Since when did graft and corruption become relative?
It's nothing new because this sort of crap has been going on with our "fine and upstanding" political leaders for at least the past 25 years. It doesn't matter what political party affiliation you have. There are fat donkeys and elephants getting fatter and richer because of graft, corruption, bribes, payola, pork barrel, lobbyists, campaign contributions and the list goes on. Guns for hostages, Haliburton, The Lincoln bedroom, Watergate, Whitewater, Dodd's Sweetheart loan deals, bounced checks at the Congress bank, money in freezers, undeclared rental property income, illegal nannies and many, many more which brings us up to Selling a Senate seat.
Is it all really relative? I am sure this kind of corruption wasn't on the founding fathers agenda when they signed the Declaration of Independence. George Washington wouldn't have done it, Abe Lincoln or Harry Truman or FDR wouldn't either... so when did our country go bad and accept the crap our leaders toss at us? Since when did we allow the rich and powerful to be above the law...?
When did America's Morale Compass get sold to the highest con artist?

Is it really all relative?
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