Minggu, 21 Juni 2009

Ten Daily Things

Ten Small Things That Can Make a Difference:

1- Take a walk. Even better if you walk to a market or store and save a car trip. Good for your health, good way to meet neighbors or make friends and good for your mental health and well being. Google "benefits of a daily walk".

2- Don't litter AND pick up three pieces of trash- every day. Good for your city and good for the environment. Be responsible and help clean up the mess by doing your part.

3- Listen to music every day. Learn to play an instrument or sing. Good for your mental sharpness and well being. Even a harmonica or singing in the shower counts. "Sing to the Lord a joyful song".

4- Develop a skill or hobby. This can be fun and add joy to your life. Even better if it doesn't cost much or it's art you can sell or give away as gifts.

5- Recycle, Re-use, Re-gift, Donate. Try not to throw things away into a landfill if someone else can use it. Garage sale, swap meet, free cycle, salvation army, thrift shops.

6. Shop locally and patronize at least one local merchant. By keeping money in your community insures local employment and keep businesses viable.

7. Drive less. Consciously decide to limit your car travel by grouping your trips. Example: instead of making a trip today to drop off dry cleaning, combine it with a trip to the post office and buying milk tomorrow. Get smart with your car trips. Good for your wallet, good for the air, good for the long haul of our country.

8. Get some culture. Visit a museum or zoo. Attend a play, music festival or symphony. Opera anyone? Expand your world view and mind... even better if they are local within your city.

9. Volunteer and support a charity or "cause". It could be a soup kitchen, neighborhood group, local food drive, walking in a cancer walk, an old age home, boy scouts. Join an organization to help out. Get out of the house, unplug, turn off the tube. Explore the possibilities.

10. Attend worship services. Don't let God take a backseat in your life. America was founded in 1776 on Judeo-Christian values, principles and beliefs... (read the Declaration of Independence and Constitution) ... so don't let society and our government push God out of your life.

These are all things that are good for you, good for others or good for the environment. It doesn't take lots of money or time. Small things can add up to make big differences.

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