WCF Sr. congratulates Coach Rod Marinelli on reaching 15 straight losses.
Well a season that began with such high hopes and enthusiasm was indeed record breaking- but in the wrong kind of way. The Detroit Lions- who haven't won a title since 1957- officially became the worst team of all-time in the NFL. They were slaughtered by the New Orleans Saints 42-7 in a game where the score was closer than the on-field play. Phrases like "totally out-played", out-coached and overwhelmed could describe the carnage at Ford Field in Detroit, MI this afternoon.
The Owner, William Clay Ford Sr. (WCF) , spoke before the game and said he was bringing back two of the "mastermind" geniuses of this season, Martin Mayhew (acting GM) and Tom Lewand (VP). Apparently, canning GM Matt Millen earlier in the year was all the firing the ever-loyal, little white yoda could stomach for one season. (anyone else remember Russ Thomas- now there was loyalty).
Below is my version of the "Twelve Step Program" for quitting the Lions (feel free to use any or all suggestions to successfully quit being a Lions fan):
__ Burn Lions jersey and bury ashes in backyard in an unmarked grave
__ Remove "www.detroitlions.com" from IE7 favorites
__ Cancel NFL Network
__ Drink heavily (a six pack is not enough)
__ Take up boxing- put WCF's face on the punching bag
__ Limit checking www.mlive.com to once daily then taper off (never read another Killer Kowalski article)
__ Have wife throw out the daily sports page before you read it
__ Mute SportsCenter whenever Chris Berman talks about Lions
__ Put Rod Marenelli's photo on a dart board
__ Watch playoffs- smile to self- knowing the Lions will never get there
__ Adopt a new NFL team and buy their team jersey
__ Actually enjoy watching the NFL draft this spring and laugh at all the Lions picks
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